• 4 veal cutlets
• 300 g sausage meat
• 1 onion
• fresh thyme
• parsley
• seasonal vegetables to accompany
• 1 glass of white wine
• 1 glass of beef broth
• 1 bouquet garni (bay leaf, parsley, thyme ...)
• sunflower oil
• salt and pepper

Preparation Brown the garlic and the minced onion in some oil, then add the sausage meat and cook. Flatten the veal cutlets and place a ball of stuffing in the middle. Fold the meat and surround it with a piece of kitchen twine. In a large pan, put a drizzle of oil and brown the paupiettes on all sides then set aside. Degrease the pan, pour the white wine and the broth, then the vegetables, the thyme, the bouquet garni and put the paupiettes back. Cover with water to height and cook for 20 minutes. Add a little more salt and pepper if necessary.