It's all about your neighbors!
This is one of those terraces where you settle down around 4 and where you start, even if it is too early for some, with a glass of wine. And oh yes, add a plate of French cheese.
Located on the Place des Vosges and under the arcades, you can sit outside here in any weather. Heaters are available and after a few glasses you can hang out against your buddy.
Before you know it, you'll be having a conversation with your neighbor because that's just how it goes in Paris.
And that's how it happened to me too... Together with a friend and busy in conversation, we were brutally interrupted by our neighbors who wanted to offer us a drink in broken English and with that wonderful exaggerated French accent. 'Pourquoi pas' we thought. The late afternoon slowly but surely turned into evening and we decided to have dinner together.
But that was not the case at Café Hugo. Before we knew it, a brand new shiny Rolls Royce drove up and we were escorted to the back seat of the car by the driver of one of the men.
Well... that is only possible in Paris, we thought.
And off we went. I can't remember the restaurant we went to. I'll have to ask that friend again :)
I do remember that we came home safely. That included the hangover.
Afterwards it turned out that one of the men was a very well-known French cavalier of nobility.
Oh and let's not forget the food - it's excellent! I know that because I have of course returned to it several times in the meantime.The real Steak au poivre which came perfectly cooked, as well as Soupe à l'Oignon, the French onion soup. An excellent choice here are the salads. Fresh, tasty and healthy. How simple and good can it be!

Café Hugo
22 Place des Vosges
75004 Paris